Busan Citytour Bus

1:1 고객상담

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고객센터 목록(List)
번호(Number) 제목(Title) 첨부파일(Attachment) 작성자(Writer) 등록일(Date) 답변(Response)
5069 Theme bus reservation secret Haley Chu 2016.11.19 완료(Y)
5068 Reservation on 11/20 secret CLYU 2016.11.16 완료(Y)
5067 I would like to make an appointment 11/20 secret 첨부파일 있음 MTong 2016.11.14 완료(Y)
5066 I would like to make an appointment on 11/23 secret RUI 2016.11.13 완료(Y)
5065 I would like to make an appointment on 11/18 secret Verna 2016.11.11 완료(Y)
5064 I would like to make an appointment 11/20 secret kelly 2016.11.10 완료(Y)
5063 I would like to make an appointment Nov. 20 secret lyh 2016.11.10 완료(Y)
5062 I Would like to make an appointment 2016/11/15 secret CHIANG-CHIH-CHANG 2016.11.09 완료(Y)
5061 I would like to make an appointment Nov. 20 secret lyh 2016.11.09 완료(Y)
5060 Reservation 11/18 secret LEE PEI 2016.11.08 완료(Y)